With a few days more left before I finally delete (temporarily of course!) the vacation mode in my current status, an urgent need for a formal school shoes prompted me this morning to open the dusty shoe boxes in my room. These boxes, carefully kept on top of my closet are the homes of the most precious possessions and sacred things in my life- my shoes.
As soon as I set my eyes on these once lovely pairs that graced my tiny feet in many places and occasions I have been … I instantly felt a painful shot of guilt in my heart realizing that I have taken for granted things in my whirlwind life which are sacred and indispensably special.
What made the feeling even stronger was the realization that came from a new colleague of mine whose huge feat mirrored what I had dreamt to have and accomplish in the past- a lifelong dream I have totally taken for granted like my shoes in the box.
Writing was one of my earliest passions which came to life during essay writing contests in elementary to journalism in high school. Dreams were born out of this simple passion for creatively designing a Monalisa of written words. Some of those dreams were achieved, some were not even close to reality but some are still secretly hiding in the shoe boxes of heart’s desires. I have triumphed over qualifying to a national writing contest, mourned over not getting a creative writing course in college but still never stopped dreaming of having a published article in a national newspaper.
Writing is just like any other shoes in the box. You have to polish and clean it to restore and magnify the beauty it adds to your walking…you have to hold it dear to your heart to always continue to feed you with simple pleasures and joy….and you have to use and wear it to boost the glory it brings to your life.
Shoes, books and writing are my life’s passions….my treasures in the box. Its time to bring them out to shine!