Monday, January 30, 2012

another step

Its the last day of my birthday month and I'm looking forward to that royal blue wedding that I have been dreaming of and waiting for with much excitement and love. I long for that day that I will be wearing my blue pair of shoes with my wedding gown as I walk down the aisle to the man I love.

It has always been my prayer ever since Kit and I started planning for this wedding that God will be there sending angels to guide us in every step we take before that special day. My morning prayer will always be offering all our plans to the Lord and let him sort out whatever is best for the two of us. I pray that whatever we plan and decide it will be His desire for us.

God has been so good. He has been sending angels and miracles to make everything so easy and smooth. Yesterday, I met Florence, my brother's good friend and talked about preps for the wedding. She was amazing and so kind helping me out with details I have missed and taken for granted because of ignorance. This is my first wedding so how should I know? LOL :) Anyway, her suggestions were really helpful and I was bursting with so much gladness when she promised to arrange the church and reception venues and fill it with so much royal blue and silver :)

I am so grateful to God for my brother. Out of his generosity and love for his sistah, he promised to pay for the arrangements. He will not be there to share with me this joy of being wed and to help me with tiny details on that day. But he made it sure that before he leaves for his next trip, everything will be ready and his friends will be there to help. He is the best! That why I love him so much!

Another step accomplished before the wedding in July. Thank you Lord for this blessing :)The pair of shoes destined for me is just there waiting and I better start searching.